Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Zoo Time

My buddy Cooley likes the zoo. As soon as I was 1 year old I had to check it out. He's right- it is very fun. I saw & smelled lots of strange animals. Of course I was most interested in the birds flying around. I am a bird dog you know! Mommy said those were not toys to play with and I had to leave it. NO FUN!
It was a hot day so I had lots of ice cookies. The best. We went into the ground into this long tube to see polar bears. Looked like they were having fun in the pool. I wish I could have splashed around a little in the heat of the day.
Then we went to the Outback. Everyone said I don't look like an Aussie. Don't they know what an Aussie looks like?
The kangaroos didn't want to play so I settled for a stuffed one. I would have liked to take that fine lookin' sheila home with me. we could snuggle.

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